Around the Table

Around the Table

Next Time

'Around the Table' is an informal monthly gathering that provides an opportunity to enjoy good food and fellowship with others who want to explore the Christian faith.  

You are invited and welcomed to an "Arround the Table" Potluck Breakfast gathering at the home of the Tsai family on the 1st Sunday of every month from 10:00 am until 12:00 noon.  If you enjoy cooking together, come around 9 am with your ingredients. If you prefer to cook at home, come closer to 10 am with your food to share - bring enough for yourself and a bit more to share. Brunch potluck style will be served around 10 am.  Plates and cutlery will be provided. 

This is a great way to fellowship (laugh, talk, eat) together and you are encouraged to invite your families, friends and neighbours.  If you are interested in the Christian faith and want to ask questions but don't want to attend a church service this is a chance to meet people and talk about faith informally.   Come prepared to enjoy good food, company and conversation. 

RSVP is helpful but not necessary. You can RSVP by phone to 250-724-7383